LST requests President to convene the Parliament

The Law and Society Trust is deeply concerned with the current developments in Sri Lanka and we urge the President to resolve this impasse by speedily re-convening Parliament and enabling Parliament to determine which member of Parliament has the support to lead the government.The Law and Society Trust is deeply concerned with the current developments in Sri Lanka and we urge the President to resolve this impasse by speedily re-convening Parliament and enabling Parliament to determine which member of Parliament has the support to lead the government.

The constitutional process for appointing the Prime Minister and outlining the parameters of the President’s powers were established through the 19th Amendment and it should be followed. There is also a history of democratic agitation that led to enacting of the 19th Amendment. Disregarding it so summarily is a threat to the democratic process. Ordinary citizens are cynical of the delays in re-convening Parliament. They express sentiments publicly that it gives the members the opportunity to barter their votes to the highest bidder. This is not healthy for Sri Lanka’s democracy.

The Law and Society Trust was established in 1982 and is witness to the highs and lows of Sri Lanka’s political developments. We advocate respecting peoples right to political participation and their right to select their representatives through a free and fair process.

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